Surely Funke
Favorite Answer
Pat Robertson and Jack van Impe.
I was gonna say Ray Comfort, but for all his foolishness, he's probably not as evil-intentioned as those two.
Jerry Falwell.
I have met about FOUR people in my life that actually epitomize the actual teachings of "Christ." The rest really struggle with the "do unto others".
Rick "I love gays" Warren.
Ted Haggard
Larry Craig
Joyce Meyer
George Bush
Mike Huckabee
Sarah Palin
Bill O'Reilly
Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church. However, I'm pretty convinced they are actually a group of satirists following the methodology of Poe's Law of Satire.
Lohasha is a contender, although sometimes I am convinced she is just a parody of Christianity.
In the RW, its got to be the Westboro Baptists, I admire them for being honest about what the good book actually says though.