I would like to implement a live chat on a php mysql site. Any suggestions?

Basically I wan't to implement the equivelent of a live online fantasy baseball draft on my site. Essentially the same thing that you can do on yahoo fantasy baseball. How do I do something like in php?


Favorite Answer

Ajax is a must, but if you REALLY want to make it impressive, the chat bar (just the chat, not the entire site) in Adobe Flex. The SDK is free. It doesn't have a nifty GUI editor like Visual Studio, but there are plenty of guides and creating a Flex app is ridiculously easy.

The only hard part about using Flex is learning how to use BlazeDS (also free) in order to push real-time data to the GUI (in this case, your chat application).

My link is just a google search, but seems to provide quite a few links (and code) on how to implement it without any real programming knowledge.


I'm not sure what Fantasy Baseball is...but to do a live chat you can't do it in simply php. PHP only updates when the browser is refreshed, so you would need to learn Ajax, which is a mixture of PHP and javascript, to be able to do it.

Try this tutorial:


Might be a bit complex at first, try learning some basics of Ajax, but it tells you everything you need to know.


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