Spiritually speaking, why am I called a hateful bigot in R&S when I say that I don't support homosexuality?
When I speak negatively about homosexuality, I am bombarded with comments (from atheists and liberal "christians") that accuse me of being a hateful bigot. I do not hate people who identify as homosexuals, I just dislike homosexuality. Why is this so hard to understand?
Why aren't the atheists/liberals in this section referred to as "hateful bigots" when they speak negatively about religion/Christianity? Usually when they're called out about it, they'll say "I don't hate Christians, I just dislike Christianity", so how is what they're doing any different from my situation? There's a double standard in this section of Y!A, and I'm fed up with it.
I've seen many hateful/rude answers from atheists who are intolerant of religion, but somehow these are always overlooked. Yet, if a Christian doesn't like homosexuality, evolution, etc. they're instantly a hateful bigot. Why is this?
Many people are STILL missing the point of the question. I DO NOT HATE HOMOSEXUALS, I dislike homosexuality. There's a difference.
@LB Centaur: Everything you've said is false. You're twisting things around, in your favor. Plus, the EXACT same thing can be said about atheists and liberal "Christians".
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For the very same reason that Bill O'Reilly was branded as being a RACIST by the P.C. FASCIST NAZI adherents because he doesn't favour automatic blanket amnesty for the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS in the U.S....It is the very same hypocritical DOUBLE STAN-DARD -- that says that Christians/Conservatives MUST show TOLER-ANCE in EVERY WAY towards their little pet "special Victims' groups and interests, but they are under NO OBLIGATION to show any kind of courtesy or TOLERANCE towards those that they disagree with. It is the culture war...but in reality it is spiritual warfare and it starts w/satan! I KNOW....I totally HATE their political correctness garbage in ALL its forms and I will stand against it and the HYPOCRISY of it until the day I leave this earth... There is no use trying to "convince" them....and that is what they want-to be able to totally silence us by intimidation and "false guilt" - so that they - the radical left - can pretend to themselves that there is no other view but their own.... Think Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. People just had to keep all of their thoughts and feelings to themselves and go through life like robots or whatever...The p.c.fascist nazis are just as determined to take away our basic RIGHTS of FREE SPEECH and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS as fanatical islam is and they are BOTH doing their best to do just that! They are two sides of the same coin...and it is called HYPOCRISY and INTOLERANCE!!!!
Read Isaiah 5:20....
Homosexuality is no different than any other sin....and Jesus paid for it all on the cross, but for those who die without asking Him to save them will be judged because they are still spiritually dead and lost -- NOT be-cause they are homosexual or anything else.... It is, like Bill O'Reilly, has said on countless occaisons, that the militant homosexuals want more than just their basic "civil rights", as they keep clamoring, they want to FORCE society as a whole to ACCEPT and EMBRACE their lifestyle -- and this is my paraphrase.... by shoving it in our faces when-ever and however they can. They WANT to be in peoples' faces and if someone doesn't appreciate it, they are branded as being BIGOTS!!!!!! They want a special pass....and any time that something is said in any kind of opposition to what they are DOING in this respect, they think they can automatically call it HATE SPEECH and a HATE CRIME.... --- INTIMIDATION -- and, of course, the P.C.FASCIST GESTAPO is right there to start throwing out their condemnations.....
I will tell you who their SPECIAL little pets are -- and we had all better get used to walking on egg-shells just in order to hold on to whatever "rights" we still have left in our own country!!!! >:( 1. militant homosexuals 2. illegal aliens 3. islamic terrorists....
But it is OPEN SEASON on evangelical believers and conservatives.. How else does one even BEGIN to explain the pathological HATRED towards President Bush - and it was NOT just because of the war in Iraq -- it is spiritual -- SATAN knows that President Bush is a believer in Jesus and he HATES that -- thus the relentless and senseless at-tacks on him...and then on Sarah Palin, because she, too, is a strong Christian and the world HATES that!!!
Look at how the likes of bill mahr and rosie o'donnell get away with brazenly attacking Christians and comparing us to islamic terrorists and any other kind of slur that they choose to throw at us....It is really the HATRED of satan towards God and we who belong to Him.....
Read Matt.5:11...and thank satan for the blessing!! :-) We are not here to be loved by the world. We are here to witness to them about Jesus and that they don't have to go to hell because He died for them, just as He died for us....and all they need to do is to believe on Him and ask Him to be their Savior..... Satan wants to divert us with all of this p.c. type garbage and we NEED to fight for our RIGHTS as citizens in a FREE country....which are given by God and NOT man, but we don't need to get intangled with their mess, unless it impedes our mission of doing what Jesus told us to do...regardless of who likes it or not....
Speak the BLOOD of the LAMB and the WORD OF GOD...and satan will have no defense...He will run from the TRUTH!!! He can't handle the TRUTH even though HE knows full well what it is... :-) That is why the p.c. gestapo nazis are so desperate to silence us in any way they can. They don't want the TRUTH to convict them or their special interests...and I am speaking here of the P.C.GESTAPO NAZIS!!!!!
Read Romans 1 and John 3:16-21. Also John 18:37 and John 3:36; John 9;39-41 and Is.3:9....along with Is.5:20, as I mentioned above....
Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world....and WE WIN!!
ST. PETER: Why do liberals hate heaven? ST. PAUL: NO SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS :-)
There is no such thing as supporting homosexuality, nor disliking homosexuality. You wouldn't dislike or celebrate the fact that someone is left-handed either, would you?
Your problem seems to be that you still think, regardless of what medical science tells you, that people choose homosexuality, and furthermore that they choose it to spit in God's face. Well, that's not true. They can no more help their attraction to the same sex than you can change the colour of your eyes. The sooner you realize this, the better off you'll be.
This will help you - it's from the American Psychological Association website:
LB Centaur is right. "Love the sinner but hate the sin" is trotted out so often by Christians, but in reality they are hard to separate. This is shown up most starkly when Christians who disapprove of homosexuality start interfering in legal campaigns in a way designed to deprive us (I'm homosexual) of having the same equal rights as anyone else. When it is a fundamental part of what you are, that hurts, it really does.
Most people miss the point of questions on here. Very few answers I've seen actually address the question.
I am sorry to hear that you are being misunderstood, I feel the same way at times. I agree that you can disagree with homosexuality and yet still love a gay person. What others want you to do is to say that "you will support them in all they do" and "whatever makes them happy is fine." The bible says the things of this world are not the things of God. Next time someone calls you a bigot, ask them if because they love a person who does drugs means, they have to help them to get drugs? If they don't support them, then they don't truly love them, and that makes them a bigot.
Because you *don't* just not accept homosexuality, you don't accept homosexuals as people. Come on, be honest -- I've looked at some of your comments on the subject. Your own words give away your true feelings.
There's one other difference: being a christian is a choice, people can choose to be christian, put their brains in neutral, and accept all the superstitious dogma or not. Homosexuals have no such choice, they are the way they are.
Frankly, I don't *care* what you think about homosexuality -- think anything you want to. Just don't try to legislate your thinking into bigoted and unconstitutional laws.