Are you the kind of friend who keeps secrets?

or are you the type who goes behind there back and tell all? or leak it till it spins out of control?/////


Favorite Answer

I think it is very important to keep a secret. The person who asked one to keep a secret places their faith and trust in ones promise to keep it a secret. The only time I would not keep a secret is if the person was actually going to be a real danger to themselves or others, then I would have to step in and do something. Circumstances would dictate what one needed to do.


I learned a long time ago that the best thing to do is to keep your mouth shut if someone trusts you with their secrets.


Ive never told a secret that wasnt mine, honestly


I like to keep other peoples secrets and I trust that they keep mine!

winnie the pooh2009-02-26T04:00:24Z

well i don't know. i just try my hardest to not tell anyones secrets b/c last year i did tell one secret and i totally felt sooo bad, so now im trying to not let that happen again.

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