If you have to be at work by 8am. what time do you have to typically get up to perform this miracle?


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My alarm is set for 7a.m. - 20 minutes in the shower/bathroom, 20 minutes to dry my hair/change/grab breakfast, 5 minutes to scrape the car off, and 15 minutes to drive to work.

Irene M2009-02-26T06:09:03Z

I always got up 2 to 2.5 hours hours before work shower,breakfast, put face on, basic morning chores,feed the cats 30-40 min drive to work

Big A2009-02-26T05:59:44Z

6:30 am, plenty of time for a shower, and a shave without having to hurry, then off for the 20-25 min. drive to work.

The Human ParadΩx2009-02-26T05:58:29Z

If I had to be at work at 8, I'd have to be up by 6:30.


I have school at 7:45, and I wake up at....about 7:20.

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