Out of Curiosity...(regarding tampons & people's opinions)?

Why do so many people say not to use a tampon on the first period.
I mean, I didn't use one on mine (i was kind of scared of them lol) but there's nothing wrong with it.
I mean, i think that if a young girl is already having to deal with the "newness" of periods that tampons could just add unwanted stress but I've see people say "you *shouldn't* use tampons on your first period"

I guess I just don't understand the logic. Would you all please help me? lol


I have tried out both (i used pads for 8 years and just started using tampons)

I'm not new at periods...this is more of a general question, not specific about me =)


i think its because alot of people are so panicy about coming onto your period nad the fact that your shuving something inside of you for the first time ever it can be quiet daunting and get you in a right state!

Also you could be tight so your going to have to be careful as it could cause pain.

to be honest jst od whatever you feel comfortable with!


Really, Its whatever you are comfortable with. If you dont mind the though of blood leaking out of you... It creeps me out so I choose to go with tampons because there is nothing leaving my body. Play around and see what you are comfortable with