So How About President Obama?

Yeah, CHANGE!!! With a $1.75 Trillion dollar deficit this year, that is all we are going to leave our children with is change after they have to pay the bill.

Any justification for such actions? People rightly crucified Bush for being a trillion over. Obama has doubled that and he has only been in the office two months.

Nothing against the guy, but it seems he isn't off to a great start. I hope he has a miracle up his butt.


I like the scape-goating comment.

Funny when President Clinton was on top of the world, it wasn't because of the work of President Bush. However, when President Obama is beginning to flounder, it is the fault of the previous President.

Just keep breathin'2009-02-26T20:19:28Z

Favorite Answer

To the twit above, no. He's using a very old political move called "scape goating". You blame the person before you for things that go wrong, he's like a big kid who spilled a glass of milk and blaming it on the dog. This isn't a leader, this is a crook.


We're in the twighlight zone. No one's been here before. Obama used "Hope" as his one-word campaign logo. We gotta all "hope" that his moves work because there is nowhere, no place, no Plan B.


When all is said and done, it's more like 3 trillion. Maybe more.


Desperate measures for desperate times!


i mean do you want to just keep going down the same path or try something to be able to come out on the other side

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