I had 5 Plop Plop Fizz Fizzes & it still hurts to think, will I die before i feel better.?


Favorite Answer

My sister died of a brain tumor.

She was fine, until one day, she was just sitting there......and said........"Ya know.-....this damn headache is just NOT letting up........I better go check this out. "

No kidding.........it was a massive tumor. She was gone less than 2 years later. From, fine one day, to gone the next.

and all the Plop Plop Fizz Fizzies, didn't do a damn thing .


If the good Lord is will ing and the creek dont rise


I followed mine up with
Nyquil and I still feel
like crap !! Ughhh the pain
of it all,,,,,,AaaaCHOO !!
Feel better,,,,,

Marianne not Ginger™2009-03-03T17:59:07Z
