What can this mean? (Frequent Urination)?

Frequent urination but negative for any infection!! Please don't tell me that I'm prego (I'm trying to avoid the subjected) I been going to the restroom more than usual this happen to me last month for about a week! and this month is back I went to the doctor twice everything is negative! Anyone out there can tell me some thing different that been prego or infection?


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polyuria ( frequent urination ) can be a symptom of many diseases... among diseases which can cause polyuria away from infection : diabetes mellitus , diabetes insipidus, some medications ....... and others, you can see another doctor .. but it can be just due to increased water intake .. early pregnancy as well can be a cause


Type 2 diabetes, usually referred to as adult onset, is when your body produces insulin but can not use it properly. This type can be treated successfully with the right diet and exercise in most circumstances. Read here https://tr.im/nT32n
If blood sugars are not kept under control at some point insulin will probably be integrated / oral medications are also available. People with diabetes can live long, happy lives but must be diligent in their care and make sure you see your endocrinologist on a regular basis.

Ms Chanandler Bong2009-03-02T08:23:37Z

I think the doctors would have pointed out you are pregnant from the tests anyway.

I am not sure, but I heard that being tired and needing to drink a lot (and consequently needing the toilet more often) are symptoms for Diabetes. Get more tests. Good luck


You don't necessarily have to be pregnant.
About a week before my period I pee probably 3 times as much as normal.


Have them check your blood sugars. Generally, a sign of high sugars is frequent urination and thrist. Please have it checked ASAP! Have a great week.


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