Raging ear infection...any immediate relief from the pain?

I just came from the doc. I was given antibiotics and a pain medication that hasn't touched it. I took it a half hour ago. Any ideas how I could get some relief? The pain is driving me out of my skin.

Army mom2009-03-03T19:38:21Z

Favorite Answer

Try really warm compresses to your ear. Take a wash cloth or tea towel, wet it, wring it out, put into the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. Fold it over, hold it on your ear. Repeat as often as necessary. This should bring you some quick relief.
Some might suggest a few drops of warmed oil in each ear, but I don't recommend it unless you know absolutely for certain that your eardrum is intact. If you have a hole in your eardrum, putting any liquid into your ear will cause more problems, not help you feel better.

Hope you're feeling better soon!


Raging Ear Infection


If your ear still hurts and today was your last day on antibiotics, your antibiotics probably did not work and you should go to the doctor again. Is there an After Hours clinic that you could go to instead of the ER? I know what kind of pain you're in and I feel for you. When I had this it helped to put drops in my ear and tug at the lobe or to just let water run into your ear. If you plan on toughing it out, take some tylenol pm or something that will help you sleep and sometimes it helps to lay on the ear that hurts (unless of course you have an outer ear infection too). Good Luck


You may not get relief. Sorry to say but, it is all according to how bad the infection is and what kind of infection, I recently went through this myself with a viral ear infection. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THESE REAL CLOSE! I didn't and now I am 75% deaf in my left ear because of it. You also must remember that it takes most antibiotics hours to run completely through your blood stream and start to work
on the infection and most do not work on an infection until
after a few days. I hope this helps. You may also look on the website for Mayo clinic and on webMD . They are pretty good sites.