Homosexual sin: what is that?

What precisely is the sin of homosexuality?


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probably the anal sex part. you know, the same anal sex that it's perfectly okay to have if you're a guy and a girl and you've got your purity rings?

Sam C2009-03-04T01:15:58Z

i'm so glad you asked this question because i believe the church is getting it wrong. it is not the temptation or the struggle with homosexuality; it is giving into and living a homosexual lifestyle. please consider this theoretical example: i was born with a quicker temper than my gay friend. i could live in anger all the time and blow up at people saying "this is just the way God made me, why wouldnt he let me act like this" or i can confess it as sin and ask God to help me control it (and he will). BEING angry is not a sin; ACTING in anger is.

this is how i view homosexuality. though no one just "decides to be gay", they do at one point have those thoughts and decide to give in to them. for some people it's when they are young and don't know any better. this is understandable for someone who doesn't believe it is wrong, and after you've embraced the lifestyle it is hard to change your mind about it... just like with drugs and alcohol. but that doesn't mean God cannot change and heal you.

i have so much love for the gay community and i'm tired of christians hating on them. i hope you can see that i'm writing out of love-- i'm not afraid to stand up for what i believe in, but i'll do so in a loving way, not a condemning way. God's message is that we can be reconciled with him (through jesus), not that we are condemned. you've probably heard of John 3:16 but have you ever read the verse after it?

"For God did NOT send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

the common Q from gays to straights is, "when did you decide to be straight?" i myself struggled with homosexual thoughts for a short time in the past. i think a lot more people have than will admit! when those thoughts came up, i could either accept them or give them to God. so yes, i have decided to be heterosexual by yielding those thoughts. and i believe anyone can do the same, whether they have a bigger problem with it or not. (again with the analogy-- i may have to work really hard at surrendering anger, or the urge to hurt myself, or whatever it may be. that doesn't mean God doesn't love us the way we are. as the saying goes "he loves us too much to let us stay the way we are"-- he has a better plan for each person than we can imagine, and he sees the harms of homosexuality. he will heal each person who is willing to surrender. God accepts ALL who come to him sincerely, repent, and believe.)

(sorry it's so long, this is a topic that hits home for me in many ways.) i hope this answers your Q as well as enlightens some fellow believers on here.

Tim A2009-03-04T09:59:22Z

Being homosexual, in and of itself, is not a sin, and there is NOTHING in the Bible that says it is. Now, just like anything else in our lives, it can lead to sin.

Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!2009-03-04T01:02:47Z

It's not a sin. The word "homosexual" was not even coined until the late Nineteenth Century.

Homophobia is a sin like lying, stealing and murder. Those caught up in this sin try to deflect attention away from their own immorality by pointing fingers and throwing stones at others...and using God to justify their sin to themselves.


There is no sin to Homosexuality, they claim it is sodomy. But of course they will claim anything to get their own country and claim to be religious. I mean if you can justify beheading and flogging through a holy book, along with eating the flesh of your offspring, then you can justify the hate, oppression, and repression of a people just look at the Crusades.

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