What should be done to improve this panel?

"Obama's Middle-Class Task Force Has No Middle Class"

I think there should be regular middle class people on the panel. It seems incomplete without that representation. Do you agree? If yes, how should they be chosen? Is there another way for us to weigh in on what the panel is doing? finding?


Favorite Answer

I think the idea is sound and YES...there must be middle class participation and representation on the panel.

Marcia B2009-03-05T03:22:47Z

I have to say I was surprised by this glaring oversight. Clearly they need to create REAL opportunity to hear from middle class people and some members of the panel should be current members of the average middle class.


I would like to see middle class people on the panel. I'd also like to see a series of meetings, teleconferences and the like for middle class people to participate and have their views heard.