How would you schedule a 11 hours of working out per week?

You can do 2 workouts a day. You have 4 hours of running, 4 hours of cycling and 3 hours of swimming per week. Juggle it with a day job (7am-7pm) and weekends are essentially free before 10 am. There is one day of mandatory rest--no workouts. Other factors include workout intensity--expect to burn around 800 calories per hour regardless of the workout -- you're in high Zone 2 or low Zone 3 most of the time and will need to stagger the workouts to recover (E.g. No running 2 days in a row).

How would you schedule it?


I thought about it but then I couldn't afford to go to the races with the family. I rest and refuel at work.


Good plan except the Sunday. A weekly 1/2 Ironman (1 hr swim/2 hr bike/2hr run) is about 3300-3700 calories. A 9 min mile marathon burns 2800 calories and takes about 2 weeks to recover. Perhaps Nix the swim and half the run and do active recovery swim on Monday instead of a day off.... Thanks.


Favorite Answer

OK, so obviously you are training for an ironman. Theirs is one of the most intense training schedules and I can tell you will have a very difficult time working a full time job and training for one at the same time. But it's possible.

Do your swimming 3 mornings a week for an hour Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Do your Running 2 days a week after work for 1 hour on Tuesday, Thursday and 2 hours on Sunday.

Do your biking 2 days a week for an hour on Wednesday, Friday and 2 hours on Sunday.

That way Sunday becomes your mini triathalon day.


Burn out!

Quit your job.