Allergic to Augmentin but must take it...?

I was just released from the hospital with Cellulitis and was given 6 or 7 antibiotics over the course of my stay. The doctors are aware that I am allergic to penicillins but gave it to me anyway, along with Benadryl for the body rash that came with it. They discharged me with a script for Augmentin (penicillin based antibiotic) because it was the one my cellulitis responded to the best and they said I MUST take it for 14 days, but I am still dealing with an itchy whole-body rash. I have not had trouble breathing however. Has my doctor weighed the benefits against the side-effects? Is it safe to keep taking the Augmentin with Benadryl? Will I eventually become desensitized to the Augmentin? (I can't reach my doctor on the weekend.)


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My husband had cellulitis twice and once was hospitalized for it for over a week. Had he let it go any longer it likely would have killed him. This is a very serious illness and needs to be taken seriously. Having said that about 4 days into his home penicillin treatments he started developing a rash and his skin started itching horribly. You can't reach your dr on the weekends but can't you call the hospital or a local clinic for advice? If not i would suggest you try to get through the weekend on the meds and then contact your dr at the first opportunity and insist they give you something else because the side effects are miserable. I'm all for dr's but sometimes they don't have the sense to realize if the side effects of a treatment make a person miserable they will stop the treatment.