Redecorating bathroom for 10y/o girl & almost 4/o boy..need ideas?

When we built our house I decorated my daughters bathroom completely girly. We're not going to be moving as planned so I need to redo the bathroom to be fitting for both kids. Any ideas on themes/colors, etc??
Nobody else uses/sees this bathroom since it's upstairs.


My 10y/o isn't into that kind of thing anymore. I don't think any animals/characters would work due to the age difference.


Favorite Answer

I would use a bright light blue as the main color in the bathroom, and accent it with lime green and bright orange - maybe with towels.

The chroma works bath collection from target is fun, and might work for for boys and girls of all ages.

This is the color scheme of the children's ministry wing at my church, and all the kids love it.


Leona W2009-03-09T10:02:27Z

Maybe an ocean/seashore theme would suit both???

You could have a nice green or blue wall color and then put some
pops of color in w/the accessories. (Just about any color can be
found in the ocean life)

They could help by decorating some accessories w/shells...put them on a small trash can, picture frames, cabinet door knobs, etc.


why not pick a disney movie they both enjoy. When I was a kid my room was decorated with lion king stuff and i thought it was awesome.


Easy to clean surfaces.