Animal cruetly?**********************?
K a friend of mines, sons dog was shoot with a arrow, didn't die quickly then the guy burned the dog, well he admitted it ALL, the state Police took the complaint then told the son it's "closed", yeah well he called animal control they took a report and are talking to the prosecutor about the case. We'd like to write a story in the Open Forum of our paper and are finding the words are hard to come so they will print this and this matter won't be forgotten about, anyone out there with some proper wording would be a great help, of course we angry and yes the dog got out of the yard, and was looked for within in mins only to follow a blood trail, we don't want to scare people but this guy needs help, jailed, or something. His dog "runs at large" all the time, and this dog was a young pup hunting dog, Hound, very sweet, loved people and kids so there was no threat. Sigh, I just want to word this properly so they will print. Thanks in advance for your help, we will be keeping on Animal Control, but we want the prosecutor to know we don't want this just drooped.
Sorry about the spelling mistakes, wasn't thinking and angry when I wrote this, but that's a good point I won't let my anger get in the way. Thanks and the first answer is another good idea, keep them coming we need the help.