Is it cheating if I have an affair with a robot?


I am a young Japanese engineer doing my doctoral studies in the California (USA). I am having an finacee back home. But recently fiancee is very upset with me, as I have the relationship with a robot that I programming and engineered over here.

In Japan, it is common for man to have relationship with robot female.

I have develop the robot female which is true companion for dinner date, wine and dine, and walking in hills. She can walk very slowly and like ant. Anyway, it can be said that I have feeling for this robot.

My question is this. I wish to answer my fiancee that the robot relationship is not the true love.

Is this cheating if I have affair with robot?

Domo Arigato!


Favorite Answer


Technically, yes it would be cheating if you had an affair with anyone (including a robot).



this is the stupidest question ever and if you from japan y do you speak english so well!!! but cant say hello or goodbye OMGosh im sorry but this is hilariuos a human being has feelings for a robot get a life with some who likes because if you designed that then well UR DATING URSELF ahahahahaha

btw, sry if i was mean i get that way sometimes lol but ahahahahha

Diane W2009-03-11T13:47:33Z

Yes. If you had sex with anyone, including a robot, then it's cheating. If you have feelings for anyone, including a robot, then it's cheating. Why would have a relationship with a robot when you have a girlfriend?

Bob S2009-03-11T13:46:58Z

My friend, a robot is not a person. True love is between a person and a person. Tell your fiancee that you love her, and drop this robot thing.

*Jazzy Lullabyy*2009-03-11T13:50:14Z

ummmmmmmmm ok that is so not normal!
u are dedicating your time to a robot when u could be spending it with someone who actually has feelings for u and can kiss u without it tasting like metal, can hug u without it hurting, can talk to u, and anything else! a robot can't do anything like that!
its a robot!
leave it
thats just stupid if u don't
but that is just my opinion.

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