How many GOP governors refused stimulus funds? What percentage did they accept?


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Funny that the ones turning it down are the states that get the most out of the Federal Govt.

Louisiana- Bobby Jindal (R) Gov: Ranked #4 and receives $1.78 in fed. gov. services for every dollar sent to the Federal Govt.

South Carolina- Mark Sanford (R) Gov; Ranked #16 and receives $1.35 for every dollar sent to Uncle Sam.


Only one so far. That is South Carolina.

The amount rejected is ambiguous right now because the legislature can override any decision made by the governor.. Mark Sanford.

So he's rejected it.. but it might be just a statement and not an action.


Charlie Crist, of FL, gladly accepted federal money that is much needed to close operating budget shortfalls and save thousands of jobs.

One of the better Republicans in my opinion.


I'm in Texas and we took ours and our Governor is Republican. In fact, I tried to take some from Ohio when they were complaining about getting to hire 25 more policemen. I think we could put their money to good use for landscaping our highway that has needed to be expanded for years.


I don't have an honest answer for you

I just remember after some GOP Gov's saying that they would refuse the money.......Arnold said he would take their share

that just cracked me up

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