A question for adoptees who are fighting or have fought to open their records?

Was your primary reason for wanting access to your original birth certificate that your records contained information you didn't know and couldn't otherwise obtain, or an equality issue based on the principle that it's wrong for your own records to be denied to you when non-adoptees have access to theirs? (Or an equal combination, or some other factor entirely?)

Just curious.


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Both. First and foremost, it contains my first Mom's name.

It is also important, because many adoptees have what is called an amended birth certificate. Each state's can be different, but most amended bc's have the original info blacked out, and then has the amended bc stapled to it with the adoptive parent's name on it.

Those particular types are a nightmare for obtaining state or federal issued id cards/docs, such as ss cards, marriage licenses, and passports. Passports, esp since 9-11. Try bringing one of those to Mexico...they are a nightmare.

The irony is that it is a felony to falsify docs such as this, but somehow it's ok to have the names of our ap's on them, when our a moms did not give birth to us.


worry, ridiculous, unfounded worry. Adoptive father and mom are afraid that their accompanied infants will advance up and go with to discover their "genuine" father and mom and go and stay with them, leaving their adoptive family members in the back of - the only way this might ever take place is that if the adoptive father and mom and family members are so horribly abusive and that they might usually lose the accompanied guy or woman besides. some organic and organic father and mom would be afraid that their accompanied out infants will come searching for funds or an inheritance however the regulation protects them thoroughly in contrast while they sign away their parental rights. some organic and organic mothers do no longer tell the father of the youngster that they are pregnant and could for this reason go with to maintain that secret. some everybody is in order that egocentric that they are waiting to grant away a baby and not sense something for them which consists of straight forward compassion for a guy or woman's prefer to comprehend their genetic background. not one of the justifications that persons supply are solid sufficient to sidestep accompanied people from getting access to their information and looking out out approximately their family members. playstation - "the reason being that if infants discover out that they are accompanied, it could destabilize their new families and make it greater stable for the adoptive father and mom to advance the youngster. the youngster would say "you're no longer my genuine be certain, why would desire to I pay attention to you"." WHAT???!!! so which you have faith that accompanied infants shouldn't in any respect learn that they are accompanied simply by fact they gained't pay attention to their father and mom? perform a little examining and you will discover that's seen to be between the main psychologically undesirable issues you're able to do to an adoptee.

kateiskate is newly married!2009-03-12T19:22:11Z

My birth certificate is a "certificate of a foreign birth" issued by the US government. I'll never have a BC with my first mom's name on it since I don't believe I had one in Korea since my Korean name was made up by the orphanage and my birthday estimated.

I believe that adoptees should have the same rights to their BC as everyone else does. It's the principle of the matter.


I did not become involved in the effort to open sealed records until 7 years after I met my mother. I did not need the information they contained. It was simply a matter of principle.

Sister Girl2009-03-12T18:35:35Z

Actually, I have never obtained my original birth certificate. I am 49 and the road in regards to adoption has stank for me. I have though talked to my nmother is has ruined my life so to speak. After all of this I do not want to even be bothered anymore. Right now I am moving on and sending a closing letter as soon as I can. I have forfeited a lot of my life trying to love this family and I am behind at 49 and they have done all they want in life. I feel like a fool because my nmother controlled me into staying in a closet and away from even my siblings.

As far as the birth certificate, I think I will look at it one time. I owe it to myself and move on. I have obtained some medical info from my brother who I met earlier and he promised me month ago he will give me more info but I haven't heard from him. I just can't go on being hurt all the time. I am not fighting for records; just to be someone.


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