Pros/Cons of PC vs Mac?

I am in the market for a new laptop. I have owned 1 HP and 2 Compaq's and have realized that the Compaq's screens go bad within 2 years (the reason I ended up buying a second one of them). My HP was good...but nothing significant makes me want to buy another one.

I have many friends, who are telling me to try the Mac, but want non-biased reviews on why. What are the pro's and con's of the Mac versus PC's? How easy is it to go from PC to Mac? What about installing printers, wireless internet etc? Also, does Mac come with Word (or something like it) or do I have to purchase that separately.

Thanks in advance!

Oh and some background-I use my computers primarily for internet usage, photo editing/saving and homework.


Favorite Answer

Mac pros:

very resistant to malware
very high build quality
excellent operating system (stable, reliable, well designed)
come with excellent software

Mac cons:

Less general software support than PC
Less free software available
More expensive by comparison
Does not support as much peripheral hardware
NOT good for serious gaming (light gaming ok)

For your purposes (as you're not a gamer) they are a good option. If you wanted more diverse software options Id say PC. As your useage is relatively straightforward, then a mac is not a bad idea at all. They are very reliable both in terms of the OS and Hardware.


i take advantage of the two systems in my freelance layout enterprise. i will permit you be responsive to, from some years of adventure, that, from interior the appliance, the adaptation between Mac and computer is notably clean. different than for some keyboard instructions, the apps are notably plenty same. uncooked processor velocity makes some difference in how briskly an result's rendered, exceptionally on the extra beneficial documents. yet all meaning is that a quickly computer will run swifter than a sluggish Mac, and vice versa. And, in maximum circumstances, the adjustments might nicely be measured in seconds, and fractions of a 2nd. And, perhaps i've got been fortunate, yet my computer does not look to go through the ails that look to plague individuals's computers which includes compatibility themes, freezing up, or, even suceptibility to viruses. My hardware peripherals look to all get alongside and that i've got few record sharing themes in my inner community. The record of application apps i take advantage of go platorm comprise, between others, Photshop, Illustrator, Flash, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Adobe Acrobat professional, be conscious, Excel, and so on. For me, a minimum of, the platform wars of the 90s ended back then.