To all the people who feed their dog "high quality" dog food..?

Now we know that we only want the best for our dogs with a very high quality dog food or raw diet. I'm just curious to know how healthy you are to yourself. Are you just as careful about what you eat? I.E. do you admittingly eat disgusting overly process food like chips, cookies, and fast food.


To answer your question tiger, I feed my dog on a raw meaty bones diet and I'm admitingly sort of a health nut.

Isn't it ironic how people will read just about every little label on their dog food but don't even take one glance in their own food. tsk tsk tsk...

☆ Memphis Belle ☆2009-03-15T14:19:01Z

Favorite Answer

I feed my Dobermanns 60% kibble [breakfast] & 40% raw [evening].

The kibble doesn't attract a high star rating on, but they are disgustingly healthy & it suits them. , but they are disgustingly healthy & it suits them.

I am currently reading all the information I can get my hands or eyes on [online] about raw feeding & will probably switch over completely to raw.

Am I a healthy eater? I do stray to the dark side of indulgent eating and thoroughly enjoy it, but generally have a healthy fish, chicken, fruit & vegetable diet.


Yes I feed my dog overpriced high quality foods. I try my hardest to eat healthy, I'm only fifteen but I have a history of heart disease in my family, don't get my wrong I still eat crappy foods lol. But my dogs are my biggest motivators. We go for 2 walks a day lasting 30 mins and a stop at the old baseball field during our walks to play a 20 minute game of off leash fetch. Well that's about over 3 hours of exercise for me lol. If I didn't have my three dogs I would probably eat like a pig. lol


My dog eats Wellness which I consider to be one of the best on the market. I eat regularly like a normal American while I take lipitor and fish oil to control high cholesterol. I don't eat fast food that much but I am by NO means, health food consious. So, yes, my dog does eat better than I do but that's ok. We both get lots of exercise everyday so that balances it out too.

Avalee Baby2009-03-14T19:48:46Z

Oh yeah I do. But I try to eat healty as well but I looooveeee chips and cookies. I also try to maintain a healthy life style by keeping fit and in shape. I do the same for my puppy. I feed her high quality food (because most of the low quality has a lot of corn for fillers and we all know that corn doesn't do anything good for you) because at this stage in life it is crucial for her to get the nutrition she needs to grow strong. (plus feeding her cheap bad things now could mean more expensive vet bills later). But I must be fair, I indulge as well so my puppy gets a fair amount of treats, just like her mommy!


I feed my dog and cats the most high quality food I know of. I am thin and petite and actually want to gain weight... So I eat what I want. I am one of those people who can eat anything and not gain weight unless pregnant.

My companion animals eat better than I do, lol.

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