I have questions on Islam?

I have a big test to study for tomorrow and forgot to take notes on a section...If you couls answer 1 or 2 of these it would be a huge help!

1. What did Muhammad see in his revelation regarding prayer?
2. Where had Islam spread to within 200 years of its birth?
3. How did the Hajj contribute to culture?
4. What are some Muslim contributions to medicine?
5. What positive effect did the Mongols have on Islam?
6. Who was Mamet the Conqueror and who did he kill to secure power?
7. What happened to the Hagia Sophia?
8. How did the Ottomans conquer the Island of Rhodes?
9. What was Suleimans trade?
10. What worked against the Ottomans when they tried to conquer Vienna?


Favorite Answer

1. That a person must pray to God at least 5 times a day.

3. Hajj is the Muslim equivalent to the word 'pilgrimage.'

Basically, a Muslim must, at least once in his/her lifetime visit Mecca.


The Hagia Sophia was originally a Byzantinian Church whose building was commissioned by the Emperor Justinian. When the Ottomans invaded (I do not remember the date) they converted the church to a mosque and added the minarets.

Zarathustra's pinkie2009-03-15T20:25:24Z

Hit up wikipedia