I heard of a fantastic experience in Africa and this week we will pray together with my friends and readers for the Saint Joseph’s Party on March 19th.
We will pray to help to improve the state of the world. Some believe that prayer is too abstract – but I would like to hear your opinion on this. Thank you
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XdtRc1x5vo
Favorite Answer
I believe that prayer can instantly change the entire matrix of the material world, I also believe that reason, hope and faith are the prime trinity that leads to cause or the force that initiates the change we desire to see when praying, and most importantly that one never can be certain if it is the prayer of the many or just one that engages theurgy. At the very least prayer has never hurt anything. Best wishes!
As a person that does his best to follow the teaching of Our Lord, the bible talks about many things that must be done together in order to see results. For instance faith and works. As the bible says, faith without works is useless.
Now, do I believe prayer will help those that are trying to change the world for the better? Yes I do. But will prayer/faith alone without any works or anyone doing anything to try to make the world a better place? I do not think so.
To paraphrase James 2:15-17 if we see a problem, an injustice, or some other wrong around us and do nothing to try to fix (or help fix) the problem(s) other than have faith and pray that the problems will be be resolved, what good are we?
There is a person, I know, here in the Philippines that, in his own way, is trying to help the people have better lives, often literally putting his life at risk. (http://troach.net if anyone is curious.) He does not go around spouting off about religion, or praying all the time, he does not wear religious symbols, carry a bible or anything like that, but there is something about him that many people just realize he is a Christian. He talks about prayer and works this way, “When we pray and work towards a goal, doing what is right, it is often truly amazing how many unrelated, but necessary, events come together, out of the blue, to make things happen in just the right way to get miraculous results.”
In my opinion, prayer is a good and helpful thing to do, however prayer AND actually sincerely doing something to help improve the situation is better.
I guess prayer can..but I think there are different ways of praying I can't explain it well because to be honest I don't understand it well, but I notice when I desire something there's just different ways I can ask for it. I think it's mainly about positive energy..if more people thought positive and believed that things WOULD get better perhaps they would.
But, maybe I am misinterpreting the Catholic religion because I know you are a Catholic too. But when I would study and pay attention in church, the priests seemed to give the message that we will always be suffering. I watched a Catholic channel on tv and I seriously contemplated the religion and considered going atheist.. they had a show where these three women were talking and they said that God gives you hardships that way you can appreciate him more because if life was great you wouldn't need him. I am sorry this sounds very ignorant, but I noticed my atheist friends just did want they felt was right, followed their dreams and they were happier than my poor grandmother who had a hard life and prays every single night.
So sometimes I don't pray the way I learned in Catholic church school because for some reason my life seems to get harder when I pray like that, just repeating "Our Fathers" and "Hail Mary's". I think I was just praying wrong. Now when I say to the universe, "I want to do this or that" it seems to work better. I just say it once, believe in it and I'm cool.
Your book is probably the only reason I considered being a Catholic again, but anyway I think it's mainly about positive energy and having faith in God. I don't pray a lot and I'm way happier than I was.
I will credit God for the reason my friend didn't get shot because I prayed like mad when I heard my friend was being threatened but other than that, these days when I walk home and see people who have threatened me in the past (even today) I just kind of close my eyes and have faith that I'll be able to make it home without getting jumped.
St. Joseph is my favorite saint and I have personally experienced his intercession on mine and my family's behalf. And yes, I believe that prayer can change the world, just as I believe the lack of it has destroyed the world. Somewhere I read this quote: "God governs the world, but prayer governs God." Hopefully I've gotten that right. If people would just TRY prayer and not expect goodies immediately as from a vending machine, life on this planet would definitely improve. But alas, they won't. That is the great tragedy of mankind, that we have a FREE opportunity to change things and yet we do not. The price of love is too expensive for us, even that it is free.
(I have prayers that can help should anyone desire to contact me to get them--and yes, these too are free.)