If I caught oral herpes, what can I do to prevent spreading it?

Can I still share food? Kiss people? Etc.?


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To minimize spreading oral herpes you should avoid kissing people during an outbreak. Oral herpes can even be spread before the physical blister/sore appears. Once you begin having prodromal symptoms (tingling, itching before the appearance of the sore) you are liekly to spread the infection. During an outbreak try not to share drinks, and silveware because the infection is likely to spread. Hope this helps!






RE: Chances of catching herpes from oral intercourse Hey there, About two years in the past me and my female friend on the time found out that she had stuck herpes from me having a mouth ulcers (HSV one million) outbreak while I was once 14. She had not ever had bloodless sores/mouth ulcers earlier than. I had played oral plenty on her earlier than, without a occurrence, however we suspect it...


Don't have unprotected sex. You can find partner with the same oral herpes. Also you may ask the people on pozcupid.com, it's useful. the site is for people with STDs find support, friendship, info and even love.

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