laptop just went dead, charger good and tested, laptop still dead.?

was working fine, cant boot, cant get a lite showing charging, same thing on 2 different laptops, if I have a bug, how can I fix if I cant get the laptop to charge to power up?


I have a multi-tip targus charger. 2 different laptops, 2 different owners. Have 3rd laptop which the targus charger works fine. odds are 2 different laptops,from 2 different owners, having same problem. I'm feeling virus. If virus how do you get around fixing when you cant boot or get a charge going?


Virus-Reboot or if can't then change Harddrive
Try to-
Plug in the charger and then into the laptop.
See if-
you can see if battery is good.


its a virus or the battery in the laptop died and ya need to get a new one


I don't know how you tested the charger but if it won't work on another computer i would have to say it's trashed.


sounds like a dead battery, if anything completely drain the battery and then let it sit for a day then completely recharge it


Well, u probably overcharged it. It can overcharge if u have it on charger every second.