Does God Exist? Does God answer prayer?

Does God Exist? Does God answer prayer?


Favorite Answer

God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, its all a matter of faith, if you believe, then he is there, if you don't then forget it all, prayers can be answered in many different ways, just remember he may answer it, just not in a way you might expect.

Do not listen to any of the other answers as they are obviously opinionated, just listen to yourself and follow your heart. I'm a man of logic and science, I believe in god and am a devout member of a local "Gods Warriors" group who are in a sense the future Templar, so its honestly up to you, 100%.


Bob is not only right but Bob's answer is fully consistent with the current thinking in quantum mechanics that the mere observation changes the outcome of certain experiments. One of the biggest problems with statistics is that the vast majority of people who use them don't have a clue about statistics. You say "we" have done statistical testing. If you were involved as your use of the term "we" suggests where are your results? Since you have not written your results in the way a statistician would I'm suggesting you are using the term "we" to mean members of the human race of which you are also a member, or perhaps you are using "we" to mean you are making a distinction between those who believe in a prayer answering God and those who don't and you're including yourself in the latter group. Either way, you are making mere assertions that are not supported by real statistics. Your so-called experiment is reminiscent of a documentary I once saw where various religious people were praying for certain terminally ill people. This was a TV stunt that had no scientific significance I'm afraid. For an experiment to be scientifically valid you have to be able to control all your variables and this was nothing like a controlled environment.


Yes God does exist && God does answer prayer. Don't let anyone tell you different. If you have faith then He will answer your prayer. Faith isnt thinking God can its knowing He will. he can do wonderous things, pray you'll see. You'll have your ups and downs. But the downs are trials so you can pray and become closer to God and He will help you out of that if you just ask.

---You have not because you asked not.

All Killer No Filler2009-03-18T23:19:17Z

Does God Exist? Does God answer prayer?


I believe in God, but my prayers dont really get answered. The bible said though that what God gives is greater than whats expected, but my life is pretty much being worse and worse.

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