Creationists: what are your reasons for rejecting evolution?

Creationists, which (if any) of these statements summarise your stance on the theory of evolution?

I’m not trying to start a tirade of abuse or flame-style name-calling here: I am genuinely curious about the reasons why people reject the theory.
If you could also state the level of scientific education you have, I’d appreciate it.

If more than one reason matches-up, then feel free to select them all.
Also, if you have a different reason, then please state that instead (and I’ll maybe add it in as another option for others to select)

[1] there is so much evidence disproving the theory that many scientists reject it.

[2] there is stronger evidence against it than there is for it; the fact that so many scientists still believe it just shows they don’t know how to do their jobs.

[3] there is stronger evidence against it than there is for it; the reason why so many scientists still support it is because they are atheists who need an excuse to reject God.

[4] while it is true that many scientists believe it – it is only a theory and not a law, so it is still reasonable not to believe it.

[5] many scientists reject the theory, but they are afraid of speaking-out because they’ll immediately be harassed or fired for questioning the scientific consensus.

For completeness’ sake, this question is going to be posted on both Religion & Spirituality and on Science & Mathematics: Biology.



Look, people really need to actually give a reason why, or this question is meaningless (I'm looking at you delbert c. watkins dc). Just saying "It's a fairytale" is just saying "I just don't believe it, and have no reason why."

And I notice no-one has provided any details of their scientific education...


Favorite Answer

> Creationists: what are your reasons for rejecting evolution?

Because God did it. The Bible tells me so, and that's all I need to know. Why would I want anything different? I want to believe that everything was specially created by a Loving Heavenly Father.

> why people reject the theory.

Because my mother says apes are ugly. You aren't calling my ancestors ugly and getting away with it.

> If you could also state the level of scientific education you have

Hey, if former VP candidate Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, stopped getting scientific education in tenth grade, who the heck needs it? And she didn't even pay attention in tenth grade either. Same for governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.

> [1] there is so much evidence disproving the theory that many scientists reject it.

Nope, not my reason. I think scientists all have an atheist agenda. It's a conspiracy. I stopped paying attention to all of them except maybe Michael Behe and Fred Hoyle years ago.

> [2] there is stronger evidence against it than there is for it; the fact that so many scientists still believe it just shows they don’t know how to do their jobs.

Oh yeah, that's a good reason! They need to do more research into where, when, and how the Intelligent Design happened. If they looked for it, they'd find it for sure, you bet!

> [3] there is stronger evidence against it than there is for it; the reason why so many scientists still support it is because they are atheists who need an excuse to reject God.

Yup yup yup! You got it!

> [4] while it is true that many scientists believe it – it is only a theory and not a law, so it is still reasonable not to believe it.

Dude, I don't even believe in gravity, and that's a scientific LAW. I was taught by Mrs. Wilson in my Sunday School class in Southern California, that God was holding the oceans onto the Earth (really, seriously, I was). I was eight years old. You aren't going to tell me kindly old Mrs. Wilson, who also played the church organ and was friends with my mother, was lying to me, are you? She also said that the "wine" in the Bible was actually non-alcoholic grape juice, and I know that's true because when we had communion, it was always grape juice.

> [5] many scientists reject the theory, but they are afraid of speaking-out because they’ll immediately be harassed or fired for questioning the scientific consensus.

Totally! I mean, did you SEE that movie starring the teacher guy from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? It's a big hush hush conspiracy among scientists, you know. I think most of them must be working Satan's agenda, turning us away from God just when we need Him the most.

[6] HEY what about the second law of thermodynamics, and the corollary about information systems? Don't they tell us that things get less organized and not more? And information degrades? So evolution can't make more complex organisms out of simpler ones, can it???

Well dude, you're good, I gotta tell you that, but you missed my main objection to evolution you know.

See, the average IQ is 100, so that means that, like, half the people are IQ 100 or lower. Without a lot of brains, it's just impossible to understand all that evolution stuff like "allele frequencies" and "differential reproductive success" and "inheritable variations" and "millions and millions of years." Buddy, most of the time I can't even spell those things.

Occam's Razor says the simpler explanation that fits the facts is more likely to be true, doesn't it? Well, "God did it" is a lot simpler than all those rules about evolution, isn't it?


Erm I am not a creationist but I am gonna say that although evolution makes perfect sence there is so much more we do not know and there may be a possiblity of a completely different more accurate theory but for the mean time evolution by natural selection is the closest thing we have but I still think there are a lot of things we do not know about it


The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept evolution and the big bang!!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!!

Seems the churches are rejecting those that reject evolution!!


If men like P.Z. Meyers, Richard Dawkins etc. Try to keep it out of schools (I.D.), with not a simple but harsh devilish passion, and then like Dawkins say at the end of Expelled that there is the 'signature' of a designer, when those two things contradict, then this leads me to believe that they are trying to hide something they think will have serious implications on the way others think. Maybe this can over throw evolution, so until I know what this is, I won't fully commit myself to evo.

Senile Old Fart2009-03-19T12:22:10Z

To be honest it's just a cultural requirement to fit into their community of conservatives. Almost no conservative is religious for spiritual reasons, it's just part of their cultural apparel, part of a mind set that opposes progress and oppresses anyone that is disenfranchised. At one time they openly hated Blacks, then Hispanics, then Homosexuals. Even when they figure out that they should shut up they secretly hate everyone.

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