is there such a thing as practical atheist?!?!?

practical atheist believe that there is no higher order, we die and thats it.. no purpose to anything at all..

but its human nature to search for meaning,why else would we have made up "religion" and "gods" in the first place.....

so does anyone here really believes that there is no meaning at all... what if someone close to you dies? would you still believe that it just happened. and not ask WHY?


I just asked because my religion teacher said there is no such thing as practical atheist because its human nature to ask why.. thats all


Favorite Answer

it's not human nature to search for meaning. learning is part of human nature however. religion is just someone taking advantage of that for personal gain. that's why the catholic church have so much money.

i believe there is no meaning. i believe it is all coincidence. and if someone died i wouldn't ask why. i'd just be sad, i wouldn't try blaming someone else just for clousre.

Lady Nitro2009-03-21T21:03:48Z

I think atheists are more practical than theists. We look at the evidence before making up our minds about what to believe.
When someone close to me dies, I can accept that there is nothing after death, that they are gone for good - it sucks, but that's the reality of death. I don't need to believe they have gone to a better place. As for asking why they died, it's usually got a physical rather than metaphysical cause i.e. illness/injury etc etc so I usually know the reason for their death.


I really don't understand what you mean by practical atheist as opposed to just atheist. Someone close to me did die. I knew why. It was cancer.

I don't disagree that it's human nature to ask why. People are curious. But, if I already know why (at least as far as humans can answer that question), I'm not going to drive myself crazy continuing to ask why. Why does cancer kill? I don't know. Nobody does yet, at least not with enough understanding to prevent it.


we obviously want to believe that there is a higher power that will take care of us, and that death is not the end but i think that this is just to justify our fear of death.
To be honest, if you stand back a few steps, religion just looks to me like a crock of ****.
If that's your definition of a practical atheist, then i am definately one.


Search for meaning is pointless and redundant, since life's what you make of it

search for how is called science

add them up and you're good to go, no god(s) needed

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