Help figuring out this web page problem please ?

Certain sites I visit seem to take forever to load and even then don't render properly. Many sites load quickly and just fine, but the problems seem to be heavy on the frames and take even 10-15 minutes to load, but show up with the data and not the frame structure. I'm baffled !!! Please help !!!


Favorite Answer

you must keep the pc or keep it on all of the time. If you have a good security system then you should always keep on the pc so it can continue to update security systems for the computer. Also you may want to defrag the c drive.

just "JR"2009-03-22T01:35:01Z

There are many possible reasons, but it is most likely that the site has been badly designed.
Try them with IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. If it renders correctly on one or two, blame the developer: he/she is not capable of developing a site that works on all browsers.


Ask your father and mom in the event that they're happy with you using msn or facebook. They located it on your computing device for a reason so which you do now no longer ultimately finally end up like a lot of persons who've severe matters later in existence.

Bdawg M2009-03-21T22:18:02Z

u know what i hate pc. they get viruses so fast. u have to keep scanning for virus and all. thats why i have a mac. there so much better and dont get viruses. and have really cool programs that pc dont have. and the other thing it loads so much faster. from internet to turning on your comp.


Download firefox or google chrome and see if they sort out the problem.