Teachers! I am having my class put on a horse show -they are the horses. I try to lead an emergent curricullum?

My class loves horses. We decided to have a horse show .I'm having them jump, trot, and gallop. They are making ribbons. Everyone will win a blue ribbon. I really don't know much about horses and horse shows. Any ideas to make my classes show fun?


Favorite Answer

What a fun idea!! I think with this particular activity that's about all you can do. Try to let the kids be involved in planning it as much as possible. Making a program for the event. Making the blue ribbons. Do you have another class or group that can come as the audience? Your class could make invitations or announcements about the show, create posters to advertise the show.

Horses usually have fun names - they could make up fun names for themselves.

I wouldn't have the ribbons be for "the best" anything, but rather for participation.


Your awards should be based on things like "the horse who giggles the most", "the horse with the best sense of humor", "the horse who tells the best horse jokes", "the horse with the eyes that sparkle the most", "the horse with the happiest eyes". The "winners" should be positive traits that all the children share. You could have a dressage contest where the kids walk sideways, walk in small circles, walk in figure "8" motions, and who can walk backwords. Dressage isn't about jumping, it's about contolled movements. You can talk about good grooming and have the kids brush themselves off with their own hairbrush. They'll brush over their clothes with a little brush! Be positive and playful with this activity. You could ask "the rider" to "tell me about your horse?" so that they describe their horse in details that range from the horses personality to their favorite snacks and treats.


what is the show for? is it part of their PE/physical development? you need to keep it running fluidly to keep them interested so always having them moving around even when it isnt their turn, encouraging them to stay in character and using other childer to 'lead' the horses round will keep them all engaged.