The scariest thing ever happened to me last night?!?!?
i woke up in the morning, and i couldnt move for a few seconds! i was soo scared i thought i was paralyzed! now im afraid to go to sleep becuase im afraid it will happen again!
what is this?!?! ):
Favorite Answer
It happens me quite often. Sleep Paralysis. I've heard it when the brain wakes before the body. Its scary but its normal. Don't worry.
When you sleep, your brain emits a chemical that stops your body from moving. It usually wears off before you are even aware that you are awake. However, in some cases, you become aware right away, and your body doesn't have time to filter out the chemical, leaving you paralyzed for a few seconds.
Your body actually does get paralyzed when you sleep. It is your body's way of protecting itself especially while you are dreaming so that you don't flare around and get hurt. it is normal and safe. Some peole wake up just before it wears off but there is nothing wrong. It has been happening your whole life without you even knowing it so try not to worry. I hope this was helpful.
Its a disorder probaly will last to your thirtys. No need to worry its just that you see stuff. Ive heard of people with the same thing just dont go to bed like 12 and wake up early. Its easy just do it even though your a insomniac. Hopefully this helps and I hope it goes away earlier then 30. Thanks for your questions!
That's normal. Subconsiously, your mind was awake, but your body sort of haden't recieved the massage yet. It's okay, don't be afraid to go to sleep again. It probably won't happen again.