During World War 2................................?

how did America's diversity help us win?


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It didn't help us win.
What the war did was hasten the time when desegregation finally happened. It also went a long way towards getting women into the work force.
But the units we fought with were overwhelmingly all-white. Blacks generally were formed into separate units and, for the most part, relegated to transportation and logistics. There were some famous exceptions, especially the "Tuskeegee Airmen."


America has always had diversity. I have no idea what these nut jobs are saying.

Anyways, to answer this question...

The only help from diversity I could think of were the Navajo. They helped with codes and what not. That played a big role in World War 2. Otherwise..you're looking for a very heartfelt answer about how diversity played such an important role in World War Two. The only thing diversity really did was hand us more soldiers. Really that's all there is to it. Oh and let's not forget how we put the Japanese in holding camps because of Pearl Harbor.

By the way Mr.Device....America did not kick ***. First of all we came into the war rather late. Second of all, we were not the only onse fighting on our side. Third of all, we came very close to having OUR A%%es handed to us.

To "The Ghost"....money helped us win? During a time of depression? More like the war GAVE us money. No...what helped us win in World War Two was the fact that people put down their lives and began supporting the effort.

1) America and our allies were VEEEEEEERY close to losing the war. We were extreamly lucky

2) World War Two was the reason we got out of the depression. NOT FDR's New Deal.

But hey, believe what you want to believe and whatever text books tell you. It's to much work to actualy research anything


To Stacie,

1st When did we almost have our asses handed to us? Considering we liberated most of europe. Sure there were ups and downs but we didn't come close to having our asses handed to us.

2nd The depression was in the late 1920's and early 1930's...... the war did create a ton of jobs though.

Diversity did help win the war........ not in the way we think of diversity now though. It was (for the most part) all segregated back then but everyone fought regardless of race.......they may have been segregated into their own units but they still fought.


The only diversity I can think of was our diverse economy.

We produced EVERYTHING...we didnt need to import anything, we had the raw materials and the production capacity.

very different from our country today, where we produce nothing and import everything


world war 2 wasn't won by american diversity, do you really think that america was the only country in the war..... it was the entire allied force that won the war, through determination and naval dominance, if it was only the americans that were involved you'd have been slaughtered.

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