Ladies-small diamond studs on white guy (with military look w/tatts) hot or not?

I was wondering, what do you think of diamond studs on a white guy who is kind of bad boy looking with a military body/haircut that has piercings and a casual (not yuppie or prep but not wanna be gangster or thug) style? I was just curious


i think of it seems stable for a guy to have rings...yet no longer in the two ears, only the left one. you're able to get a diamond stud for the left ear and only enable the main magnificent one improve lower back over. it would look plenty extra desirable that way.


You know, really, earrings are such a non-thing. Unless I'm going to sit and stare at you or suck on your ears, I probably wouldn't even notice them.


It depends on how good looking he is. If he's good looking then it could look good. If he's not good looking then it might draw attention to that.


hot hot hot!!!!