Ladies-Best looking stud earring style for a guy?

I am wanting to get something new as far as stud earrings. I need some advice, though. I have a casual, laid back look. I have some tatoos, but not that many visible. My hair is like military-ish short. Here is a picture of someone who my friends at school say looks similar to me. (Guy in #17).

I was wondering if I go with diamond studs, should I get the square or round cut ones?


Round diamond stud


I didn't look at the picture but when I read your description of yourself, I would find a small, round diamond stud really classy.


Studs and hoops on men are out dated. Studs are universal once you're a d-bag and you may in ordinary terms positioned on a ring once you're a pirate. in case you desire to look like a nasty-*** and not some d-bag from the ninety's, you have have been given to flow with gauges. they are actually not for each individual so whilst you're actually not waiting to stretch your ear lobes out, do in simple terms away with the earring and replace it with an eyebrow or different face piercing.


square diamond stud. Medium sized.