Does anybody have the Obama "uh" count from tonight's Presidential Address?

This guy.......uh...drives me crazy when he has to......uh....answer questions without the.....uh... teleprompter..... did anyone record it and get the count of uhs?


Bob K, I did change the channel after I couldn't listen anymore. I'm just pointing out a fact...don't get your..uh...panties in a wad.



Sounds like a fun game. I'll play. Some people take things too serious!


Wow. You libs are sensitive. Can't we all just have a little fun here? I'm waiting for someone to call me a racist any time now. It was just an observation.


Favorite Answer

DOH! That wouldve been a good drinking game!! How many times he said "uh". Take a shot of your best beverage!!!

Itll be on CSPAN again. Ill watch for it.


SO, uh, WHAT
Alot of uh people on the uh news go uh...
I am watching the News Hour and people are going uh....
some people say uh more than others

Brandon C2009-03-25T07:42:57Z

Please post the answer if anyone knows it!!! It must be in the thousands. I couldn't focus on anything but the uh's!!! What the hell was he talking about anyway?


Uh, I had here somewhere but I lost it.



30 this counts for you

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