If you could meet either....?
Barack Obama or Michael Phelps, who would you want to meet and why. I would like to meet Michael Phelps.
Barack Obama or Michael Phelps, who would you want to meet and why. I would like to meet Michael Phelps.
Favorite Answer
obama so i could tell him that he's really been pissing me off lately and then i would throw my shoe @ him! HAHA SUCKER
I'm Not Your Friend, Buddy
Obama. He's the President. Michael Phelps is just a really good swimmer, and that's not very interesting. Then again, Phelps could probably supply some weed and some women.
Michael Phelps has the "real-kill" right? Him I guess. Obama acted like he didn't want to get high. I think all of Washington needs a good bong hit. Maybe they would slow down and consider there actions for a change.
obama obviously, cause id have something to talk about - many topics id love to discuss with him
what in the world am i going to talk about with phelps, swimming? ya rite LMAO
obama...phelps is a frankenstein who can swim, big freak'n deal. obama is history in the now...