Did you watch the funerals of the Oakland Police Officers?

I would like to thank all 50 states and many other countries for sending officers to represent them..very impressive ceremony.


Thank you Matt, and I hope and pray Crazy Dave never needs your services..

Magic Matt2009-03-27T16:21:06Z

Favorite Answer

Thank you for your post, it helps to see and here the outpouring of support and sympathy from the people we protect. I know of no officer who goes into this profession who does not deeply care about the lives and welfare of the people.

We know on any given day, what happened in Oakland can happen to us, we live with that, so do our families. To us it is worth this risk, this calling to protect and serve. We try to hide our emotion from the public, its our responsibility to do so you see, to be professional when others are falling apart. It does not mean that we do not feel, and on days like this it is hard for us not to show it.


No, I saw clips though.
Saw one clip that showed many (I'd say hundreds) of police cars heading to the funeral. It was pretty amazing seeing how they support their own.. they don't kid about "Brothers in Blue" even if they don't know the officer they still have a bond I guess.. makes me want to be one even more.
God bless their families and comrades, they were truly heroes.


Nope, and I will not lose any sleep or shed any tears for them because the police have been shooting and killing citizens who are not armed on a disturbingly regular basis! I'm not saying that they deserved what happened by any means. I just have no sympathy for them.

I do not need the services of people who change or go against personal beliefs or morals about anything, just because their job says that they have to! Some cops still arrest people who are doing things that they themselves do not consider a crime personally! To me going against ones own personal beliefs and morals is a crime! I have never had to call a cop for anything! If I have a problem I will deal with it as a man myself!

I do not care about the thumbs downs I am entitled to my own opinion! I did not know them personally so therefore their death does not affect me! I already said that I'm not saying that they deserved anything only that I had no sympathy for them!


I did not although I will surely see clips later. I saw a single picture online and it certainly created a lump in my throat. I read that there were 20,000 people. That is certainly an appropriate tribute.


They would be alive today had they not gone gung ho. they knew who he was. After two being killed they went to his house to kick in the door. no negotiating, nothing. This guy had 6 years in prison. He wasn't going back and he chose to go down in a blaze of glory. Their rash decisions cased the death of 4 cops and one civilian. lucky that their shooting in a residential area didn't kill anyone else.

I have seen so much horrid abuse by police, I am surprised they are allowed to be a part of a civilized community.

I feel sorry for them but I am not at all shocked by it. No I didn't watch it.

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