could someone translate this portuguese sentence into English?

I'm worried about my sister-in law, who is Brazilian... Could someone translate these two sentences for me? Thanks!
nao tenho inimigos nem um eu ti ve sim um problema com o Ze realmente nao me casei com quem amava, mas nao estou sofrendo e eu nao queria tomar a sua amizade

and 2)

Eu sei que vc nao fez e nao faz questao ke eu va ai, Quando vc pegou a cidadania eu sei ke vc nao queria ke nos fossemos tanto eu qt o Stephen... Para um bom entendedor meia palavras Bastam, nao tentei roubar



Favorite Answer

1. I don't have any enemies. I had a problem with Ze. Honestly, I didn't marry with someone I was in love with, but I'm not suffering, and I didn't want to take his/your friendship.

2. I know you didn't mind, and you still don't mind that I go there. When you took the citizenship I knew that you didn't want us to come (me and Stephen)... For a good listener, only half a word is enough. I didn't try to steal it.


ok don't know him/it but in the gauchos we liked faser friends for every part of the world thank you Follow the below link for more translation...