does a cop have the right to tell me to turn my dash cams off?

i recently installed a bunch in my vehicle, because they are cheap, and a good counter defense type thing to use with the police (if you have a laptop and dongle you can upload the video to a remote server thousands of miles away)

this article on the yahoo homepage says they usually only help the cops

i believe this because previously i was accused of running a red light (i did not), but when i asked for the cops dash cam footage ... they just laughed at me

but anyway, a cop did tell me to turn my cameras off (even though he was taping me) ... so i turned off my decoy cameras

but do they even have the right to ask me to do this?


Favorite Answer

No, you don't have to turn it off.

But if I think that it contains evidence (say, of your traffic violation) then I can seize it as evidence.


confident, as long using fact the cop's sprint cam pictures does not for sure coach the area of your seat belt, then this is going to be your be conscious against the cop's. for this reason, your case will maximum probable be dropped using a loss of evidence. nonetheless, if the cop tells the choose with regard to the incident which contain your middle finger, then you somewhat ought to convey regret to the cop in front of the choose (whether you do not mean it). this might assist you interior the long-term. solid luck!


absolutely not. It is not an obstruction of vision or a traffic infraction. Tell the cop to screw off next time.


Sometimes they'll politely ask you to do something and let you assume it's an order. E.g. "Would you mind emptying your pockets please". Did they actually order you to turn the cameras off? Did you specifically ask them if you had to turn the cameras off, and what they would do if you refused?

A Culpeper Minuteman2009-03-29T23:20:54Z

I dont think so. But I know a lot of cops don't like being filmed.