Volunteering for Afghanistan Deployment?

i am an E1 in the NY Army National Guard. MOS 15W UAV Pilot. I still have to do all my training, but my unit 27th Infantry BCT JUST came back from deployment and i was told they wont be deploying again for awhile. I want to be able to go over right away after AIT though.

I was told it is possible to volunteer for deployment with other states while in the Army National Guard. does anyone know how that works? Will having a job like 15W UAV Pilot make it easy to find a Unit to go over with?


well i would like to deploy as a 15W without having to reclass as another MOS. and my AIT will not be all done till early December. 15W has a hellishly long AIT


i didnt go active because after deployment i need to be home. my family isnt doing to well and running away and joining the army full time for 6 yrs wasnt an option, and deployment is only 12 months. also, i didnt go woith a combat MOS because UAVs and flight interest me. i want to be a commercial pilot, so why would i choose a job that doesnt help me once my service is done. a lot of 11Bs have that problem when their service time is up


Favorite Answer

Some reservists and active duty folks volunteer to deploy with other units. Check with you chain of command for more details.


Hooah Private, I can use more men like you. I will take a look at what units are in your area. Yes you can volenteer to deploy with any unit you choose. In most cases, you will have to go to the MOS-Q of that particular unit being deployed. For example, if you are infantry and want to deploy with an MP unit, you will have to be trained as an MP first.


Thank you for your service. Good luck.

(Obviously, I have no idea what the answer is to your question).


why didnt you just go active 11B if you wanna deploy right away? instead your a weekend warrior.