What to wear for 8th grade dance?
At the end of the 8th grade year, the school has a huge formal dance appropriately named the 8th grade dance. Its a way of saying bye to Jr. High, and every person in 8th grade is going to be there.
These are the things I need(its a lot):
Dress. It cant be strapless
Hair style. My hair is medium brown, goes down to about the bottom of my boobs. I have side bangs to about my nose.
Nails. How should I get them done?
I want links, pictures, prices, the whole bit.
This is the shoes that I am wearing, no question, so everything has to match them.
Oh my god, they are gorgeous!
And I need the whole outfit and accessories and everything to be under $300 total.
Thank you so much!
I am so excited.
Also, what color corsage should I ask him to get me to go with the shoes?
Where can I get one similar to the one Carrie Underwood is wearing in this video:
The one when shes real not animated.
The gold dress.
Only I dont want it to get like grey at the bottom...
I want it to stay like a shiny gold.
I really like this dress, but in gold and maybe a little longer...
I love this and it would look great with the shoes, but I dont really have the boobs for it...
Do think that even if Im sort of flat, it would still look good?
I dont...