French help PLEASE!! Another fancier way of saying beaucoup de?

i'm using beaucoup de FAR too much in my speech. My teacher wants us to use year 13/7th form/senior structures in our writing and mine is too basic. Any suggestions???

Dee J2009-03-31T02:21:33Z

Favorite Answer

You need to find appropriate words to replace 'lots of'.
Think of what you'd say in English for example for the following and just try to apply the same thing elsewhere.

lots of people = a crowd
bcp de gens = une foule

lots of times = often
bcp de fois = souvent

lots of work = tiring/difficult
bcp de travail = penible

lots of imagination = creative
bcp d'imagination = creatif/une imagination feconde


be careful, "far too much/many" means "beaucoup trop de"
"beaucoup de" is "a lot of / much / many"

if you mean "beaucoup de" we also use in French the adverb "énormément" (literally "enormously") e.g
>He knows many / lots of people here = il connaît beaucoup / énormément de gens ici" and more familiar "un tas de" which litterally means "a heap of" which is "heaps of" in correct English.

If you mean "far too much/many" it's "beaucoup trop de" which can be replaced by "bien trop de" e.g
Il y a beaucoup trop de gens/pollution ici = bien trop de gens/pollution ici = far too many people / too much pollution