I'm going to Manhattan. What clothes should I bring?
What clothes should I bring to not look like a slob? I am 13 years old. Thank youuu. I have gotten into the habit of jeans and a sweatshirt, as I live on an island in the san Juan archipelago off the coast of Washington. But I was wondering what types of clothes I should bring. Thankss. I want to be presentable in New York. I have never been before.
Favorite Answer
The loudest Hawaiian floral print shirts or blouses you can find, and a Kevlar vest with ceramic inserts.
My friend visited New York for the first time from Russia a couple years ago, and she remarked on how casually everyone dressed. The truth is, New York isn't exactly fashion city - everyone wears whatever they want. There are completely put together fashionistas and people walking around in sweats. It doesn't matter and no one is going to judge you, believe me. Just wear whatever the weather calls for, make sure you are comfortable enough to walk around and see the city, and have fun!
hah hah. um. katie. i would say what you wear, plux maybe a nice black jacket is fine (: hah. don't worry about what you look like, and shop in NY to see some of the style there. I KNOW that you will buy SOME clothes, so HAVE FUUNN. and fun some awesome places to see, and then tell me aall about it, cause i'm going to NY TOO. in the summer love you (: