do you have a really annoying co worker ?
the kind you just wanna smack?
the kind you just wanna smack?
Favorite Answer
hell yeah! she actually got me canned when she pissed me off and I lost it. I verbally abused her and a few days later, banged my head into the fitting room pole in front of customers bc she didn't apologize. What I did was wrong (understatement) but she made me do it.
Big Yoda
Yes. Not blowing his nose, instead snorting it down. Always sucking on a water bottle, like a bloody hamster. Can never get an answer out of him in less than 1000 words. He deserves a smack.
Yes! My supervisor talks forever...he cannot give you a straight answer. He constantly reminds us of things we need to do (that we do EVERY day), and he comes in the office and eats/snacks but he smacks his lips and chews with his mouth open.
One day, I wasn't feeling well and I was having a very frustrating day, and he started chewing with his mouth open like a damn cow, and I just flipped and told him "Could you close your mouth when you chew? It's disgusting."
Absolutely! This particular co-workers lies, cheats and is so negative I have to wonder why she's still at the company. So I mind my own business and tell her sometimes, to stop being negative!!
I am the annoying co-worker.