Could we be loosing it?

I asked a few questions on here about preg tests. we took another and it was positive (though the line was fainter than the previous) and this was yesterday.

All today i have had a bad back and cramps and since this afternoon a bit of spotting (quite light i had to wipe to see it but its there)

We had booked a doc appointment for the test on monday but now think we are loosing it!! If we really are pregnant it must be by only a couple of days/a week which is why i guess most of the tests are not picking it up (had a few neg even after i took the positive one)

so could we be loosing it?



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I have lost four, but mine where all usually around 6wks, but it did start with back pain and light, light bleeding, but again if your not very far light bleeding can be normal implantaion bleeding. Try to relax until monday, its hard but its for your own good. good luck on your pregnancy