the blood is red does that make any difference?

We dont know when my period is actually due and me testing the other day was fluke but it was positive (although some since have been neg and one more positive) so must be very early in

But i have been having cramping and then a bit of brown blood and then some red blood (when i wipe only and not much of it)

I am worried i will miscarry?

Is this normal? (we are seeing the doc on monday to confirm if we are infact preg) :)


Also there seems to be a lot of mucus.

And maybe red is wrong, pinkish?

Im sorry i dont know much do i :D


im not sure how to describe the colour and im definitely cramping. not as painful as my period could be though.

sometimes more twingy but sometimes more painful

i cant be more than 1-2 weeks passed ovulation (3 at the most)

last period was a long long time ago (as went on and came of depo... about six months ago came off)

taking the first test was a fluke :D have had three positives now. but four negative


Favorite Answer

If it is bright red, that is a problem. If it is pinkish and brown, they you must likely are okay unless it turns over to bright red.

You may also be describing implantation bleeding.

You sound like you are very early in your pregnancy. You really should not be seeing any mucus this early unless you are further along than you believe. There very rarely are false positives but false negatives are more common due to testing too early.

I am glad that you have an appointment on Monday. In the worse case scenario, this is a chemical pregnancy or a miscarriage. In the best scenario- you are absolutely fine and just early along in your pregnancy!

Best of luck to you!


you may be experiencing Implantation bleeding is spotting or slight bleeding just before your normal period is due. This is caused from a fertilized egg implanting in your uterus. The uterine lining is made up of blood and at implantation a bit of blood is displaced.

Some women will mistake this blood as the beginning of their menstrual cycle or period. This is one of the reasons that your practitioner will ask you if your last period was normal. It is not bleeding near ovulation. It is not a sign of miscarriage. (from


If you are pregnant, how far along would you say you are? The brownish color is normal around 5 or 6 weeks, its old blood. The pinkish discharge is normal too, I had this around 8 weeks.