he texts me when he's bored at work?
he texts me when he's bored or sleepy at work almsot everyday. Then he sends me silly picture messages and videos from work and send him back.
he lives 40 minutes away 'cause he goes to a dfferent university, but we usually see each other on weekends going to the same parties or when we hang. We hang out this friday...btw, how far do you sit apart on the couch when watching a movie? we were sitting pretty close. there was atleast half a foot space then there wasn't after some time. i swear i ddin't move. idk maybe i'm thinking way too much.
i told him i like him a month ago, but he said he wants to b single for now but said he thinks i'm cool and we should hang sometime if i want. He still talked to me for a while, thrn started to ignore me for a while then talked to me again.
i swear..i donot know anymore.
sometimes he makes me hopeful. should i?
when i was hanging with him he wasn't texting anybody except when his phone rang but he just said it was a twitter update. i guess he doesn't text much idk.
help :(
i don't want to hope into something that'll prolly just break my heart.
oh he's not into sex like most guys. he's not the type to flirt and stuff.
he told me he only had sex with one girl. he thought they were to get married, but the girl cheated on him. it was 2 years ago..he didn't get in to a relationship after that.