Have you ever thought you said something..But find out you did not..?

Hello.. :)

Have you ever thought in your mind, that you said something to someone?

But find out later that maybe you did not?

Could it be the beginning stages of Alzheimer's?

I am serious..as it has been happening to me a lot lately.. :(

It breaks my heart, to know that the ones I care deepest about..
I may have hurt.. :(

((((((( HUGS )))))))

With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

I put this question under R&S..Because I just could not find a correct one, to put it under..

Faith In God2009-04-06T18:29:06Z

Favorite Answer

Yes once in awhile my husband tells me I thought I told him something but didn't.

Thank God it wasn't nothing important.

Recently a friend told me I don't pray enough for her when her and I are on the phone. I'm not the prayer warrior she is publicly. But maybe I need to look at the friendship and ask Him if we should continue to be friends.

She hasn't accepted my apology for failing her as a friend and sister in Christ. She hasn't apologized to me for failing me as a friend and sister in Christ.

So maybe her and I should no longer be friends since I've failed her and she won't apologize for her faults.

Case sa ra sa ra.

Happy Easter Everyone!!!


Oh, ELJ, I don't think you could ever hurt anyone, intentionally or otherwise. I'm certain anyone who knows you is aware of the stress you've been dealing with. As others have stated, what you have had to endure has most likely brought this on. I wouldn't worry.

If it's any consolation, I do the same, and have even started talking aloud to myself. Thought maybe I was going crazy, and then I read in a back-issue of Arthritis Today that prolonged prednisone use will cause this. If you've been taking prednisone (as I have been for years) ... well, combined with stress and chronic illness, there's your answer.

You'll be just fine, Eileen. Any possibility of a mini vacation? Even a weekend at a spa will do wonders. You're worth it.



Hello love. This sounds much more like an effect of physical or emotional stress rather than Alzheimers. And I know you have been under some tremendous stress lately.



that's some thing i did not imagine of. Have a babysitter for 2 weeks, each little thing looked after for procuring a visa to enter yet another u . s . a ., have a sturdy idea what cottage i'd be renting, yet i have not theory-about the flight yet, and that i'm lengthy gone in 3 weeks!


I've had very realistic dreams before where that happened. I don't think it's Alzheimers. It usually happens when I'm very tired and stressed.

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