is this sentence grammatically correct?

Sentence: What you did yesterday makes me terribly disappointed in you.

Is it grammatically correct? Does it clearly convey my meaning?
Thanks for the help.


Favorite Answer

It's grammatically correct as is, and does not require any of the changes suggested by others.

You don't need a comma.

The sentence is not in the passive voice.

Being disappointed by someone's actions is not the same as being disappointed in him because of his actions, so saying "What you did yesterday disappoints me" changes the meaning of the sentence significantly.

The tense of the verb "makes" is fine.


Maybe a better way of saying it would be What makes me terribly disappointed in you is the thing you did yesterday.

Hope that helped.


The sentence is passive. How about:

I'm terribly disappointed in you because of what you did yesterday.


It's perfect. To me it means "right now, I feel that you have not lived up to my expectations, becaus of the thing(s) you did yesterday." If that's the meaning you want, it's perfect. If the feeling of disappointment actually started yesterday, then you should change "make" to "made."


Because yesterday is past tense, it may be better to write;

What you did yesterday has made me terribly disappointed in you.

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