What do you think of Jennette McCurdy's(Sam on iCarly) song?

what do you think of her song? it is called "so close"
here is the link?--------v

i didn't even know that she sang until i recently came across her song on iTunes. Did you know she sang?


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I loove it..She did a great job!

N.O. Gurl .2009-04-10T00:39:59Z

I Didn't Even Know She Sang But Cool!! lol


I was surprised! I love country--That was the last genre id expect her to pick, considering her audience is mainly of the pop culture favor.


I never knew also. Cool! Her voice is so good, it fits the country type tune. I'll try to add that to my Ipod. :D i wonder if it is her voice. i hope they ask her to sing it on icarly.


That totally doesnt even sound like her! it is great i love country.

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